Sep 3, 2024

A Thank You to 2023

Below is a year-end wrap-up from Trove CEO Danny Cohanpour, and most importantly, a thank you.

I tend to do these yearly summaries every year, but this year was different. Admittedly, this year has been an exceptional growth year for Trove Tourism Development Advisors - largely due to our people and our partners. I have gratitude beyond belief.

Our people make Trove.

Our team hit 12 people this year, and every single person drives me to be better every day. I am absolutely grateful to our team for being fantastic people first, and brilliant leaders second. This year, we:

  • Traveled to 8 countries together for our clients (UAE, UK, Bahamas, Belize, Saint Lucia, Fiji, New Zealand, Cabo Verde)
  • Attended 100+ networking sessions
  • Attended WTM, ATM, eTourism Summit, CTO’s Caribbean Week, SPTE, and many more trade events
  • Had 12 monthly team dinners
  • Held hundreds (if not thousands) of team brainstorm sessions
  • Moved to a larger office in Long Island City

Our partners have entrusted us with their destination development and marketing, and we are grateful to work with such fantastic tourism boards.

With new clients from the Caribbean and Latin America to the Middle East, to Southeast Asia, Africa and the Pacific, we’ve grown our project footprint to 30 projects overall since Trove’s inception and 20 completed in 2023 alone.

  • On the tourism marketing side, we have completed 5 front-to-back digital campaigns which have amounted to about 250 million plus impressions and 10% conversion rates for our clients whether it be on traveler bookings or trade referrals. In addition to that, we’ve completed 7 new branding and marketing strategies focused on helping our destinations stand-out in a competitive travel market. We’re so pleased with the work we’ve done on the digital marketing side, getting smarter on the tools that we used, on the advertising results that we provide to our clients, and the overall  traveler booking numbers that we’ve been able to achieve about 10%, about 3 times the industry average. So the marketing side, we’re super pleased with the work we’ve done with our clients.
  • On the tourism strategy side, in 2023 we completed 8 tourism development plans for our clients focused on mobilizing community development, mobilizing stakeholders to achieve solid strategic plans  for our clients. So whether we work with a tourism ministry on a new heritage tourism development plan or working with the government agency on a marine tourism development plan, we’ve really done game changing work when it comes to mobilizing the community and government to achieve results in tourism.

I am grateful to our people (in particular Charlotte, Ginny, Shaoli, Joy, Sharee, Brianna, Olivia, Hallie, Benjamin, Matthew, Thais, Juliana, Max, Thomas, and our advisors Billy, Mike, Michel, Blair, Danielle) and our partners for being central to Trove’s success. We are grateful to you for giving us a reason to get excited for work, so thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Cheers to a 2024 full of love, warmth, and success for you and your families.

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