Sep 3, 2024

Reflection on Internship with Trove

The following is an entry by Trove Associate Olivia Silverman Franklin.

As someone who got the burden of being a college graduate during a global pandemic, I also faced the following challenge: how will I break into the travel and tourism industry from my living room? After months of research to determine which corner of this industry I wanted to be a part of (and there was a lot) I stumbled across the niche of Tourism Business Development. The idea of working behind the scenes to create concepts or plans for tourism destinations appeared like something I would like to learn about. I then came across Trove Tourism Development Advisors and I instantly knew I wanted to be a part of this company. The last five months have been nothing but exceptional at Trove. Danny, CEO and Founder, has been outstanding in ensuring that we could meet beyond our computer screens during my virtual internship.

While I was a bit nervous, I knew I was up for the challenge of assisting in a field I hadn't had a ton of knowledge in, but I wanted to learn and absorb anything that came my way. What made this internship unlike any I've had (I have had many over the years) was my mentor. Danny never made me feel less than. He has been eager to bring me on as many projects as possible; whether I had a small or a more extensive role, he wanted to ensure I was a part of it.

We were fortunate to be in a time when COVID restrictions were being lifted, and in-person events were starting to occur. Our first in-person encounter was the Adventure Travel and Trade Show at Javits Convention Center in NYC. Danny had me come join him in NYC for this opportunity to network. This trip would be my first industry event and in-person event since 2019 - talk about being nervous! I didn't hesitate to join Danny again a few weeks later in Providence, Rhode Island at Johnson and Wales University for a Sustainable Tourism event. Danny connected me to some remarkable individuals in the industry whom I probably would have never met and learned so much about our industry's future in establishing sustainable travel practices for the upcoming years.

Overall, I am so happy I made the leap and emailed Danny. I never thought I would have 24/7 support and guidance from one person. Everyone over at the Trove team - from Olivia to Ashley to Kimberly -  has also catapulted me in an optimistic direction into an industry I was so anxious to get into. I am forever grateful for the many opportunities and connections I’ve made with some amazingly talented peers. I'm so thankful for my opportunity at Trove, and I cannot wait to see the continued success of future interns. I also look forward to working with Trove as a Consultant on research and marketing projects in 2022.

If you are interested in joining the Trove team, please check out all available positions.

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